Here is the official list of Call of Duty: Black Ops 2 (BO2) achievements / trophies that can be unlocked on both Xbox 360 and PlayStation 3. There are 50 achievements available and they are mostly earned by playing the singleplayer campaign and Zombies mode.
There are also multiplayer based achievements. For example, you earn achievements / trophies for reaching level 10, activating the Prestige mode for the first time and winning five games in the League Play.
No Man Left Behind

Rescue Woods.
Gathering Storm

Investigate the jungle facility.
Shifting Sands

Gather intel on Raul Menendez from Mullah Rahmaan.
Driven by Rage

Take down Menendez and his operation.

Gather information on Raul Menendez' suspected terrorist plot.
What Happens in Colossus...

Find the Karma weapon.
False Profit

Capture Manuel Noriega and bring him to justice.
Deep Cover

Capture Menendez.
Sinking Star

Interrogate Menendez.
Late for the Prom

Escort the president to the secure location in downtown LA.
Death from Above

Stop Menendez once and for all.
Old Fashioned

Complete "Pyrrhic Victory", "Old Wounds", "Time And Fate", and "Suffer With Me" in Veteran.

Complete all future levels in veteran.
Giant Accomplishment

Complete all challenges in Black Ops II.
Mission Complete

Complete all challenges in a level.
Just Gettin' Started

Complete 1 challenge in any level.
Singapore Sling

Successfully neutralize the SDC freighter at Keppel Terminal.
Desert Storm

Successfully escort the VIPs to safety.

Successfully defend FOB Spectre from incursion.
Black Ops II Master

Complete the campaign on Hardened or Veteran difficulty.
Art of War

Successfully assassinate SDC Chairman Tian Zhao.
Blind Date

Successfully rescue HVI.
Family Reunion

There are two futures.
Hey Good Looking

Plastic surgery avoided.

A duel between rivals.
Dirty Business

Listen and think before you shoot.
Ship Shape

Reinforcements on the way.
Dead or Alive

Jailor or executioner.
Ultimate Sacrifice

Only one can survive.
Good Karma

Crack the celerium worm.
High IQ

Collect all intel. This achievement / trophy is also available in the ghosts achievements list.
Back in Time

Use a future weapon in the past.
Man of the People

Stop the brutality inflicted by the PDF.
Gun Nut

Complete a level with customized loadout.
Ten K

Minimum score 10k in every mission.
Welcome to the Club

Reach Sergeant (Level 10) in multiplayer Public Match.
Welcome to the Penthouse

Prestige once in multiplayer Public Match.
Big Leagues

Win 5 multiplayer League Play games after being placed in a division.
Trained Up

Win 10 multiplayer games while playing in Combat Training playlists.
Party Animal

Win 10 multiplayer games while playing in Party Games playlists.
Tower of Babble

In TranZit, obey the voices.
Don't Fire Until You See

In TranZit, have all doors opened without being set on fire.
The Lights Of Their Eyes

In Green Run, pacify at least 10 zombies with 1 EMP.
Undead Man's Party Bus

In TranZit, complete all additions to the bus in 1 game.
Dance On My Grave

In Green Run, acquire your Tombstone.
Standard Equipment May Vary

In TranZit, acquire 4 different equippable items in 1 game.
You Have No Power Over Me

You Have No Power Over Me.
I Don't Think They Exist

In TranZit, kill one of the denizens of the forest while it is latched onto you.
Fuel Efficient

In TranZit, use an alternative mode of transportation.
Happy Hour

In TranZit, buy 2 different perks before turning on the power.
Platinum Trophy

PlayStation 3 gamers earn this trophy after unlocking all the trophies above. This does not apply to Xbox 360 gamers.